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Whataburger & Shiner Beer



Living in the South means you’ve had the pleasure to know the above delightful-ness.

Whataburger Fancy ketchup, Whataburger Whatafries and the tastiness of Shiner Premium Beer.

The papas taste familiar but I can’t pin point it. They kinda remind me of pik-nik fries in a can but with the familiarity of the actual Whataburger fries.

If you haven’t already tried these papas fritas- Go for it because srsly, You Gotta Eat This!

The ketchup of course is the best ketchup I’ve ever had.

Definitely try the fries with the Whataburger Fancy ketchup (or if you’re fancy- Whataburger Spicy ketchup) which has a sweet overtone but it’s not overpowering.

Shiner Premium was called Shiner Blonde until recently and is brewed in Texas. It’s a light yellow lager with a smooth malt flavor perfect for a hot summer!

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